by Michael | Apr 22, 2019 | BrightFleet™, Distracted Driving, Health & Road Safety™, SaferTeenDriver™, Safety
Written by Scott Marshall (@SafeDriver) I’ve been known to be so consumed in what I’m doing that I won’t hear someone speak to me. I doubt I’m the only person that has had that happen to them. I’ve been told I have selected hearing. Apparently I’ve been told that many...
by Michael | Apr 19, 2019 | BrightFleet™, Defensive Driving, Driver Training, Health & Road Safety™, Human Resources, Safety, Training & Onboarding
Employee Commuting Safety has a Direct Affect on Employer Heath-Care and Insurance CostsEmployer health-care spending for car crashes was nearly $14 billion in 2013, including insurance costs. Another $13 billion was spent on sick leave and life and disability...
by Michael | Feb 11, 2019 | BrightFleet™, Defensive Driving, Distracted Driving, Health & Road Safety™, Safety
There’s a hazard lurking on our highways and roads. One that causes over 100,000 accidents a year yet isn’t rightfully acknowledged like well-known road hazards such as drunk driving and texting while driving. This hazard is drowsy driving – a...
by Michael | Feb 11, 2019 | Defensive Driving, Driver Training, Health & Road Safety™, Safety
The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety recently released a study (pdf) where 46% of 3,303 drivers responding to the survey self-assess that they have nodded off while driving at some point in their lives, with nearly 10% admitting to nodding off behind the wheel at...
by Michael | Nov 16, 2018 | BrightFleet™, Health & Road Safety™
Nothing slows one’s roll down like hearing the siren of a police car wailing behind their car. Aside from trying to remember whether your registration is still in the front dash, this is the moment where you are rapidly scrambling to come up with a defense against a...
by Michael | Jan 16, 2018 | Health & Road Safety™, Human Resources
Microlearning, which involves consuming educational material in short, focused bursts, may be the solution to boring training sessions that your business has been looking for. Tell us if you’ve been in this situation before: you’re asked to go to an all-day training...