Welcome to the BrightFleet Safety Partner Program

About the Safety Partner Program

We offer special rates, custom content, easy to implement programs that are “up-front affordable” and log-term effective for reducing risk and improving your offerings to your clients related to safety training, risk control, and human resources.

Special BrightFleet Pricing for Your Customers

BrightFleet offers special discounted training rates for members of our Safety Partners seeking to control and reduce their driver incidents and improve their safety statistics.

Your clients who come to us through this program will save money and enjoy becoming a premiere customer of ours, which includes added benefits like a custom branded login experience and a higher level of customer support.

Let Our Audiences Learn About Your Business

We will publish an “About Us” for your business right here in the Safety Partners area, linking to a page (or pages) on your site where you’d like people visiting BrightFleet, but maybe not yet familiar with your business, to learn more about what you offer.

We will also allow safety partners to include links to your business in future guest blog posts, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media activities, where appropriate. Any links from our site to yours are full SEO links, designed to send highly qualified and road-safety interested people directly to your website. We ask for reciprocal links in kind.

Becoming a BrightFleet Safety Partner

Fantastic! We are looking forward to hearing from new Partners like you. Please fill out this short form to let us know you are interested, tell us a little about yourself, and start the vetting process. The vetting process and updating of our site usually takes one to two weeks if we are able to contact you to discuss.

Thank you – let’s work together to improve road safety for everyone!

Michael Bragg
President, BrightFleet


BrightFleet Safety Partner Program Application

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