Defensive Driving Course for All Employees

Driving behavior contributes to over 90% of vehicle collisions and up to 33% of fuel consumption.

The leading cause of occupational fatalities are vehicle-related crashes. We have been actively working to reduce motor vehicle collisions for more than a decade. We lead the way to reduce traffic crashes, helping save lives. Dozens of companies – corporations, small businesses, nonprofits and community service agencies – all depend on BrightFleet to educate their employees and business drivers.

Employers pay significant costs associated with motor vehicle crashes. When your employees become involved in traffic incidents, your company may become exposed to liability risks and legal expenses. Not to mention lost time, decreased productivity and increased insurance and workers’ compensation rates.

Defensive Driving Safety Course

Implementing a defensive driver safety training program, will help your organization keep employees safer and can potentially:

  • Decrease risk of motor vehicle collisions and traffic violations
  • Minimize exposure to liability risks and legal costs
  • Reduce insurance premiums and workers’ compensation claims
  • Lower vehicle repair bills and replacement expenses
  • Protect business operations and brand identity

Defensive Driver Online Courses

Take the lead in protecting your employees and your organization. Train your employees on defensive driving and decrease liability, reduce injuries, lower workers compensation claims. This will allow you to obtain better insurance rates, reduce fleet expenses, and enhance productivity and a culture of safety for your company. We have a complete catalog of defensive driver courses.

National Driver Training Program

We offer group courses online, so creating a national driver training program that is centrally managed but nationally available is part of every account. If you have multiple operational locations, our online course will help you save money, reduce management headaches,and offer standardized training across your entire enterprise.

The modular design of each defensive driver course allows you to build a training regime that is right for your organization’s specific needs. This is done by targeting the fleet’s top crash causes. In small, high-impact bites, drivers can take charge of their own development.

We provide complete group management and reporting tools for self-service use, or we can help manage your training program for you.

About The Defensive Driving Courses

Each course is available 24/7 and your progress is saved each time you exit the course. Upon successful completion of each course, you will also have the option to print out your Certificate of Completion confirmation.

Check with your insurance provider to see if you qualify for the Defensive Driving Course discount or search here for specific information about requirements in your state.

Defensive Driving Course Catalog

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