If you have employees, you have drivers. Their off hours crash related injuries are carried in health-care related costs to your company, and the total costs are staggering.

Executive Summary

You may not think of your business as having a fleet of vehicles, or an army of drivers; but most likely you do. If you have employees, you have drivers. Their off hours crash related injuries are carried in health-care related costs to your company, and the total costs are staggering.

What We Will Cover

  • Debunk the myth that “off-hours” crashes are not a company problem
  • Show you where you will find the direct and indirect costs of “off-hours” crashes in your own budget and operations
  • Provide a sensible strategy of low cost counter-measures you can adopt to directly address this growing problem

In this book I’ll do my best to describe the findings of the new NETS study, help you relate them to your organization, and offer a sensible strategy to help you reduce the burden to your company.

“Everybody Drives” is intended to assist Human Resources executives in understanding the relationship between company and employee drivers and ways in which they can protect their assets – both financial and human.

Everybody Drives | September 2017 (pdf, 21 pages, 1.09MB, Rev.1).

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  • Estimated number of drivers you have.
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